Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hi all,

     Left Eloy bright and early after a continental breakfast at Motel 8. The temperature yesterday was  111 degrees ... fortunately, it is a dry heat --- it only felt like 110!

     The ride was fine until we hit Los Angeles ... God had a hand in making Southern California a paradise; but, the devil had a hand in the traffic experience. Hitting LA at 4ish in rush hour (from 1 am to 11 pm) is a white knuckle driving test for us poor Texans who thought Houston was busy. Nevertheless we got to Ventura with our car intact but our marriage in jeopardy. 

     We arrived at our niece/nephews home to be greeted by the majority of the Plum clan. After the usual catching up, they served up a terrific dinner topped by a birthday celebration for a cousin, Jasen Plum. Here are some pics which are in no particular order:

                          The Ninja (Micah) and the Princess (June)

                                         Junie: "Are you serious?"

                                                     Happy Birthday, Jason! 

                           Good lookin' family

                        More cake, Junie Bug?

                            Cousins waiting for dinner

                                                 I am smiling!

                         Junie and Lyla

                        Lyla and Mickey or is it Minnie?

                           Yummy stuff!

                              Roger and a cold one!

                                              Serious stuff ....

                           It IS Minnie!

                                    The Ninja at work!

                                  The show audience

                              TAKING A COUPLE OF BOWS

                                            The Ninja takes a bow 

         And finally, the two stars ... Lyla had to hit the sack

     Today (Wednesday) Donna and I visited Roger who is in an assisted living facility ... a residence with five, I think, other clients. It is bright, homey, seems clean and the staff appeared very attentive. We had a nice visit reminiscing about old times ... old friends and our special relationship with such a great guy! We plan to pick him up tomorrow and take him to the rehearsal dinner in Carpinteria.

     Earlier today I filled the car with really good California gas (Jodi says their gas costs more because it is "better" gas.) Maybe we should petition our lawmakers in Texas to improve the quality of OUR gas if it is subpar!

     More later ......

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