Thursday, August 15, 2013


     The dinner was held in the Padaro Beach Grill on the beach at 6pm ... temps in the 60's with sea fog. We saw this warning as we entered the outdoor area for the dinner:

     The setting looked like this:


     The cakes - yummy carrot and chocolate:

     Here are a couple of views of ocean just across AMTRAK tracks:

     The crowd:

     A shot of Donna and Dann:

          Then here is Roger awaiting a seat:

     Jeff and Denise Sponseller thanked the crowd for coming and Jeff gave the blessing followed by some sweet comments about the bride and groom-to-be. The dinner followed and then the bride and groom presented gifts to their wedding attendants. They wrapped it up with a glowing, slightly teary tribute to the Best Man, their son, Micah.

     All in all it was very, very nice. The Sponsellers were such gracious hosts and we appreciate them including us in the happy celebration.

     The trip back to Ventura was something else ... it was in the DARK and it was a bit FOGGY! And it was down the 101 Freeway! We managed to get Roger back home safely ... took a wrong turn and ended up on the 126 freeway but was able to circle back and Brenda, our GPS girl, got us home in one piece.

     More to follow ....

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