Sunday, August 18, 2013


What a wedding on Friday! It was held at a beautiful location called the Bacara Resort in Goleta, California. Check them out - The ceremony was held on the lawn overlooking the Pacific Ocean:

          Here is a pic of the marriage table:

     I think this is a table from Kristen's grandparents home symbolizing the presence of her grandmother, Betty, who passed away a number of years ago.

     This is the bridal path:

     I didn't take many pictures at the ceremony .... there should be lots available on line. If you are on Instagram, check out #sponswed. However, here are a few that we took:

     A really great, Great Aunt of the bride

          Ryan and the bridesmaids

     The groomsmen and best man (Micah) over a pic of Kristen's grandmother, Jodi's Mom

     The ceremony was very memorable ... after the wedding party entered, a message of wisdom from Janet Limitho (mother of Chayah Children's Home in Uganda, Africa) was read. Dann and Emily Balli sang a beautiful rendition of "Nothing Holding Me Back". The rings were exchanged, the bride was kissed (with Micah celebrating after his tearful experience during the ceremony --- he is SO happy with this union!), they all marched out and headed for cocktails just outside the ballroom where dinner and the celebrations were to be held.

     The ballroom was beautifully decorated. The Bride and Groom's table, cloth and two chairs were from Kristen's grandparents home again connecting Betty to the ceremony. Here is a pic:

     The pics from inside the ballroom are not very good ... they were so dark and I had to enhance them and in the process lost some definition. However, the dinner was spectacular. They had fish or beef. I had the beef and the menu was:

          Portabella Mushroom Ravioli with sweet garlic and roasted pearl onions.

          Farmer's Market Salad - fresh citrus selection and baby vegetables with white balsamic vinaigrette.

          Seared Prime Filet Mignon of Beef.- horseradish potato gratin, shallot marsala wine sauce and seasonal market vegetables and pea shoots.

     Here are a few pics from the festivities in no particular order:

      The Best Man and a Flower Girl

Evan's brother, a Best Man, speaks

Father of the bride speaks

Father of the Bride and Bride dance

First Dance

Flower Girl Dance

More Flower Girl Dance

Groom and Mother Dance

Groom, Mother, Bride and Best Man Dance

Maid of Honor speaks

Micah and flowers girls dance

The New Mr and Mrs Sponseller

     Bridal Party begins to enter

                                    Micah and two flower girls

                                Checking out the dance floor

And lastly, the Wedding Cake

     Donna and I were turning into pumpkins about now and were looking forward anxiously to the 90 minute drive back to Ventura. Wasn't bad ... I think I'm getting the hang of driving at night!

     This morning we got up, met up with Jodi, picked up Roger and had lunch then drove up to Ojai to see Evan and Kristen's house they had rented for a year. Ojai is a very different place than Ventura ... very hot and in the hills/mountains and is only about 40 minutes away. It was a very interesting place ... quaint, one might say. Lots of hills, scrub and interesting places for a kid like Micah to explore. Here are a couple of pics from the back porch:

          That's it for now .... heading out in the AM for Tucson ... it is the longest day going back. Eloy AZ wasn't that nice and we have stayed in the Riverpark Inn on previous trips.

     Talk to you later ...

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