Monday, August 12, 2013


Hi all,

     We had a late departure to San Antonio with an uneventful trip over .... stopped at the Egg and I in Webster to inhale their fabulous Parisian Benedict ... and then on to the Fort Sam BX to pick up a new dress shirt ... the laundry shrank the collar by a half inch ... needed a new Calvin Klein Obsession deodorant - would you believe they use that scent to attract ocelots? Anyway we finally arrived at our granddaughter's home where they were in the midst of landscaping their yard ... it really looked great. That night we all headed to Chuy's, a popular Mexican restaurant. What great food! It was worth the hour wait. Our little great granddaughter, Maddie, was the star of the show ... she was a perfect child even after her bedtime. Here is some of her:

                                                              "Hi, I'm Maddie -- a Sweet Pea"

                                                         Hi Five, y'all!

                                         "More chips, please!"

     Then the other ruler of the house:

                                        Boko lapin' it up!

     Sunday we got off to an early start heading for Van Horn, Texas. About 20 minutes from there, at 80 miles an hour, we noted a slight vibration. After dropping the speed to about 65 the vibration seemed to get worse. We made it to the motel finally and made arrangements with one of the two car maintenance guys in town to look at it in the morning. So off we went to the Van Horn Cattle Company for dinner ... also one of two dining options in town ... I had the VHCC Special Burger ... an 8 oz pile of delicious beef done to your wishes ... complete with caramelized onions, jalapenos, bacon and bits of pepper ... I advise the server they needed to serve it with a much larger bun!

     This morning we reported to A and A Automotive who took one look at the tires and said you need a tire guy ... and as luck would have it ... there was a tire shop across the road --- probably a cousin --- the verdict was tire separation .... my thoughts returned to the 80 mile per hour speed limit and possibilities as  result of a tire blowout. Someone was watching over us, as usual. Anyway ..... an hour later we were on our way.

     The rest of the trip was uneventful until a vigilant sheriff clocked us at 78 in a 65 zone ... honestly, I DID not see the sign, sir! Luckily, we got off with a warning. Now I have a very, very vigilant partner monitoring the speed!

     Here are a couple of shots at a rest stop in Arizona:

                        Thankfully, we didn't see any snakes!

      Well, we are settled into the Super 8 after a meal at the Country Pride restaurant .... the Reuben was great but DJ's spaghetti was sub par. 

     That it for now .... talk to you later

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