Friday, August 9, 2013


Hi all,

     We are fixin' to hit the road again tomorrow. Our niece is getting married in Santa Barbara on the 16th and it perports to be a LARGE affair ... and we want to be part of it!

     So, this will be short ... packing to do ... suit pants are a bit tight but I think they will do if I don't eat anything till the 15th... a new shirt is a must; size 17 is a bit tight. I thought I had a handle on this eating/weight thing. The car has been checked out by the car elves and that is all ready to go.

     The plan is to hit our granddaughter's house in San Antonio on Saturday ... spend the night and head for Van Horn, TX. Then, after a stop in Eloy, AZ we should arrive in Ventura on the 13th, Tuesday. Our nephew and his family are putting us up for a few days ... how nice is that?

     Anyway ....... that's it for now .... talk to you later!

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