Monday, July 25, 2011

Louisville, Ohio

Here we are at Cutty's Sunset RV Resort ... got here about 5ish yesterday. I drove up salivating for the deeeelishous chicken they cook at the campground restaurant; sadly, they closed at 2 pm... we quickly switched to our backup -- sausage, eggs and toast. Woke up this morning to temperatures in the 60's ... lovin it! All is not peaches and cream, however, the Ten O'Clock News is on at Eleven O'Clock! I'll never make to the Letterman Show. Folks on Eastern Time would LOVE Central Time. We pretty much puttered about the RV, catching up on laundry, hitting the store and getting the car washed. Dinner tonight is ---- you guessed it ---- fried chicken! Our sister-in-law is visiting us today and catching us up on all of the news.

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