Friday, July 15, 2011

Fixin' To Head North

Next week Donna and I plan to head for Ohio via Hammond LA, Jackson TN, Shephardsville KY arriving at Cutty's Sunset RV Resort for a week or so to visit family and friends. The RV is filthy ... we have a drought here in League City -- all of Texas for that matter -- and a prohibition on washing of vehicles is just one of the restrictions to conserve water. Believe me, our tongues are hanging out here! I may have to wash it in the storage area that does not have those restrictions. Soooo .. there is still lots to do to get ready.

Our little Maxie, who is 15 years old, is suffering from congestive heart failure ... on meds ... walks funny (don't we all) ... but is hanging in there. In the middle of the night and I hear her belabored breathing, I think "this is it" but all is well in the morning as she dances around awaiting breakfast.

Here are Hansie, Maxie, Beckett and Maizie; Hansie and Maizie are our granddogs.

Our trip precluded attending Ryan and Sarah's wedding in California on Sunday, the 17th. We so wish them the very best and know it will be a grand affair. We look forward to seeing them in October when we head to California for the 815 TCS (Flying Jennies) reunion.

We are looking forward to the Donaldson Reunion in Canton, Ohio on July 31st. They graciously arranged it during our visit.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to report that just today I checked in on the blog after reading the first day. Reading it backwards but aloud to Dann, from the most recent to the beginning. Sounds like such fun! We did miss you at the wedding. Tim, Libby and Jordan came and Roger was in Plum Heaven! Thanks for recording your journey for the rest of us. Makes me picture Jason and Jamie Rose and June in Nashville too.
