Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23 Elizabethville, KY

The last couple of days are travel days. It is miles and miles of hohumdrum on the interstate until you look up and see some moron entering the highway at 40 miles per hour who finally sees you in their side mirror as you pull up abreast of them, AND you unable to pull over because of traffic. Oh well, it keeps your juices flowing.

We stayed at Holloway RV Park in Hammond the first night ... anxious to hit Catfish Charlies, a restaurant next to the campground. We have been going there for years ... sadly, they are only open now Thursday through Sunday ... why, we don't know. The meals were not up to our expectations; but, then again we were working on memories. Oh well ... on to Jackson, TN and Joy-O RV Park. This is nice, but small, park ... has everything you need; a good in and out place ... no WiFi or cable. Tonight we are in Grandma's RV Camping in Shephardsville, KY. It is an attractive park ... well laid out ... has WiFi ... no cable ... BUT! If you have pets this place can be a problem. The pet walk was 100 yards from our site ... do not let your pet (if you have a male it is a BIG problem) go on any shrubs or trees before you get to the pet walk or YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE WITHOUT REFUND! Obviously, the owner is Grandpa, Grandma is not in the picture, and he hates dogs! Anyway ..... nice place; but, if you have a pet, don't bother with the aggravation.

Tomorrow is a NEW DAY and with any kind of luck at all, we will be in Cutty's Sunset RV Resort in Louisville, OH and settling in for some yummy fried chicken at the restaurant there. Should be there till August 1st when we head for Northern Virginia.

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