Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 12 - Home Again

Trip and I had an uneventful drive back to League City ... left Hot Springs about 8:30 and arrived in the storage area about 5:30ish.

Lessons learned: One's spouse and dogs seem to survive without any interference. An 81 year old CAN get along with a 25 year old couped up in a confined space; but, in all honesty I think he paced himself to accomodate the old coot. Looking back over our blog, it would appear we ate our way across the route! Nevertheless,we are already talking about next summer and maybe we can do something that could include another grandson - Danny, who will head off to college that fall.

The next trip scheduled with be our summer round robin from here to Ohio, on to Northern Virginia, then Virginia Beach and stopping in Charlotte before heading home.

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