Friday, July 29, 2011

More Louisville

Nice weather here in Ohio ... temperatures in the 80's. The big thing going on here is in nearby Canton, President McKinley's home and resting place and, oh yes, the Football Hall of Fame! They have all of these events going on leading up to the induction of this year's nominees, capped by the Hall of Fame Game which sadly has been cancelled because of the NFL lockout. Nevertheless, they pressed on with the parades, style shows, cook-offs and balloon events with fireworks. It is a very big deal here!

Our little Beckett is at it again. Attempts to keep him from the counter in the kitchen have failed miserably ... last night while we were at dinner with an old friend, he got onto the counter and ate a whole container of dog snacks (he actually unscrewed the top to get in it?????), Maxie's leftover dinner and two ant baits. Luckily, he was still alive this morning. He looks and feels heavier.

Also, yesterday we had lunch at Bob Evans with another old friend, Mary Lou Baker. It is so good to meet with friends of old ... the one from dinner was Donna Jean Ermlick, a college mate in the 1950's .... gulp! The dinner last night was at an old college watering hole (Polinori's) which was renouned for its Italian food and 3/2 beer .... was pretty good and the place hadn't changed much since we went to school.

They have such a great market here in nearby Hartville ... lots of Amish farms that grow terrific produce. Bought some great looking pork chops that we grilled tonight with baked potatos, salad and sweet corn. Ahhh, the good life!

Not much of a plan for tomorrow ... probably head over to University of Mount Union ... hit the book store ... and scope out the newest additions to the school. It has changed so much since 1948. Fortunately Donna and I have not changed much since then? Maybe a hair line that's beginning to recede.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Louisville, Ohio

Here we are at Cutty's Sunset RV Resort ... got here about 5ish yesterday. I drove up salivating for the deeeelishous chicken they cook at the campground restaurant; sadly, they closed at 2 pm... we quickly switched to our backup -- sausage, eggs and toast. Woke up this morning to temperatures in the 60's ... lovin it! All is not peaches and cream, however, the Ten O'Clock News is on at Eleven O'Clock! I'll never make to the Letterman Show. Folks on Eastern Time would LOVE Central Time. We pretty much puttered about the RV, catching up on laundry, hitting the store and getting the car washed. Dinner tonight is ---- you guessed it ---- fried chicken! Our sister-in-law is visiting us today and catching us up on all of the news.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23 Elizabethville, KY

The last couple of days are travel days. It is miles and miles of hohumdrum on the interstate until you look up and see some moron entering the highway at 40 miles per hour who finally sees you in their side mirror as you pull up abreast of them, AND you unable to pull over because of traffic. Oh well, it keeps your juices flowing.

We stayed at Holloway RV Park in Hammond the first night ... anxious to hit Catfish Charlies, a restaurant next to the campground. We have been going there for years ... sadly, they are only open now Thursday through Sunday ... why, we don't know. The meals were not up to our expectations; but, then again we were working on memories. Oh well ... on to Jackson, TN and Joy-O RV Park. This is nice, but small, park ... has everything you need; a good in and out place ... no WiFi or cable. Tonight we are in Grandma's RV Camping in Shephardsville, KY. It is an attractive park ... well laid out ... has WiFi ... no cable ... BUT! If you have pets this place can be a problem. The pet walk was 100 yards from our site ... do not let your pet (if you have a male it is a BIG problem) go on any shrubs or trees before you get to the pet walk or YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE WITHOUT REFUND! Obviously, the owner is Grandpa, Grandma is not in the picture, and he hates dogs! Anyway ..... nice place; but, if you have a pet, don't bother with the aggravation.

Tomorrow is a NEW DAY and with any kind of luck at all, we will be in Cutty's Sunset RV Resort in Louisville, OH and settling in for some yummy fried chicken at the restaurant there. Should be there till August 1st when we head for Northern Virginia.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fixin' To Head North

Next week Donna and I plan to head for Ohio via Hammond LA, Jackson TN, Shephardsville KY arriving at Cutty's Sunset RV Resort for a week or so to visit family and friends. The RV is filthy ... we have a drought here in League City -- all of Texas for that matter -- and a prohibition on washing of vehicles is just one of the restrictions to conserve water. Believe me, our tongues are hanging out here! I may have to wash it in the storage area that does not have those restrictions. Soooo .. there is still lots to do to get ready.

Our little Maxie, who is 15 years old, is suffering from congestive heart failure ... on meds ... walks funny (don't we all) ... but is hanging in there. In the middle of the night and I hear her belabored breathing, I think "this is it" but all is well in the morning as she dances around awaiting breakfast.

Here are Hansie, Maxie, Beckett and Maizie; Hansie and Maizie are our granddogs.

Our trip precluded attending Ryan and Sarah's wedding in California on Sunday, the 17th. We so wish them the very best and know it will be a grand affair. We look forward to seeing them in October when we head to California for the 815 TCS (Flying Jennies) reunion.

We are looking forward to the Donaldson Reunion in Canton, Ohio on July 31st. They graciously arranged it during our visit.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 12 - Home Again

Trip and I had an uneventful drive back to League City ... left Hot Springs about 8:30 and arrived in the storage area about 5:30ish.

Lessons learned: One's spouse and dogs seem to survive without any interference. An 81 year old CAN get along with a 25 year old couped up in a confined space; but, in all honesty I think he paced himself to accomodate the old coot. Looking back over our blog, it would appear we ate our way across the route! Nevertheless,we are already talking about next summer and maybe we can do something that could include another grandson - Danny, who will head off to college that fall.

The next trip scheduled with be our summer round robin from here to Ohio, on to Northern Virginia, then Virginia Beach and stopping in Charlotte before heading home.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 11 - Hot Springs

Awoke to a lovely morning ... high in the low 70's ... had a sausage, egg, toast and fruit breakfast. Took off on a road trip through this part of Arkansas, hoping to see more of the Ozarks. After about 100+ miles surrounding Lake Ouachita, we arrived back in Hot Springs. It looked much like the Hill Country in Texas plus lots of huge trees. Back in HS, we walked a bit, scoped out a bathhouse, then returned to the campground for lunch. Our next challenge was the Hot Springs Mountain Tower atop, you guessed it, Hot Springs Mountain. The tower, at 216 feet above the 1060 foot mountain is most impressive. The view from the top is so impressive! We then checked into the Buckstaff Bathhouse. We had the whirloop mineral bath which included the tub bath, hot packs, sitz bath, vapor cabinet, needle shower and whirlpoot turned on in your tub. The scrub with the loofa mitt was most exhilerating; but, the Swedish massage that followed the whole sheebang made you feel like a refreshed, lightly greased goose! My Swedish massage was administered by a Rumaniyyan! We returned to the RV to relax -- as if I needed relaxing -- and prepare the dinner meal - steak and salad.

The plan is to head into town tonight ... hit the Ohio Bar for some live music and libations. We did go and heard Leven Walkin (guitar) and Roxy (viola). Very nice sound ... loud, but nice.

Tomorrow we head for home ... miss all those folks there!