Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hi all,

     We thought we would get away to the condo after the wonderful family gathering to celebrate our 60th anniversary earlier this month. Actually the date is in April but this allowed accommodation for school schedules, etc. We only missed our great granddaughter, Kayla, who had a previous commitment ... who could pass up a trip to Disney World in Florida for a couple of days with a bunch of old fogies. We missed her but are certain she had much more fun!

     The trip from League City was 400 miles of mostly rain which made for a long day, but we are so hurting for rain, one can hardly complain about the blessing. We stopped in Port Isabel to pick up some essentials -- shrimp, cocktail sauce, and a few other snacky things.

     The condo was in OK shape ... needed to fix a sink stopper, replace a missing glass on the coffee table (it had been broken) and see about getting the carpet cleaned.

     Last night we just put our feet up ... enjoyed some steamed shrimp, cheese and crackers with an appropriate beverage and checked out America's Got Talent on the telly.

     We had a laid back morning today ... this afternoon will include a tour of the island to see what's going on .... a trip to the glass guy ... a late lunch at the Pelican Landing followed by a visit to Wally World -- a social highlight! When I read this ... it sounds soooooo boring! BUT IT ISN'T!

     Talk to you all later .....

                                            Gene and Donna



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