Saturday, July 20, 2013


Hi All,

     It is another lovely morning here in Paradise... not much chance of rain...

     Yesterday we picked up the plexiglass top for the coffee table and drove out to the Federal Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge which is about 10 miles northeast of Port Isabel.

Their claim to fame is a very endangered species -- the ocelot. We didn't see any! We took a 15 mile scenic car trail along the coast which concentrates on wetlands mostly. We did see several deer, 3 lizards and a bunch of little birds plus sea birds abound. These two birds were of note:

It is probably hard to see, but South Padre Island is faintly seen in the distance in this pic:

On our return we stopped at the Pelican Station --- AGAIN -- and had a late lunch ... yummy fish and shrimp! Here is a view of the SPI bridge from our table and a sculpture in front of the restaurant:

Our day was complete with coffee and a snack... 

Talk to you later!


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