Friday, July 19, 2013


Hi all,

     Nothing too exciting to report ... the Pelican Landing previously reported turns out to be Pelican Station. Interesting history with that. It seems it is built on the same spot in Port Isabel which was the terminus for a railroad between Port Isabel and Brownsville to compete with a near South Texas railroad monopoly by the King Ranch folks. It had three locomotives and 54 cars. The restaurant is filled with memorabilia from the era, 1800's, as well as a wonderful collection of pelicans of all sizes and many different types of materials and colors. There is a seafood market attached to the restaurant. If you get to this area, check them out! Plus, the food was excellent!

     We need to pick up the plexiglass for the coffee table today and a new lock clasp. We have a large trunk containing our stuff for the condo, like dishwashing tabs, laundry stuff, extra TP, etc. I had is secured with a combination  lock. Numerous attempts to enter the code failed ... numerous codes were entered (surely my mind was not failing me ... again) ... finally I broke the hasp to open the trunk. On close examination, the lock had a button on the side that must be depressed AFTER one enters the correct code. DANG ... DOUBLE DANG!!

     No real plan for today ... maybe take a ride out the a wildlife area just north of here. They have a great car tour along the coast that is a sanctuary for lots of sea birds, various ducks and geese, plus some local critters. We might return to PL --- they are supposed to have a great pork chop lunch -- seems like food is a focus!

     Talk to you later .... 


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