Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Journey - Anderson, SC

Back again ... WiFi last night didn't hack it! Thursday was not a good day. Everything seemed to go wrong. Partway through the trip we experienced a decrease in engine power ... seemed like the old fuel transfer pump problem. Nevertheless we pressed on, and arrived at the Meridian KOA in Mississppi. The drive was not without excitement, like: forcing an irate E-5 Vietnam vet off the road in Shreveport after a "roundabout" issue (Gene apologized profusely and had to play the  "I am a veteran too" card); then there was a deal getting off the highway 10 miles before we should have (I really blame Brenda, our GPS) necessitating traveling about 15 miles through the countryside; and the several curbs I transfersed trying to get back on track; just to mention a few.  If you can miss that KOA, do it! What a crumby place .. high price ... no signal on WiFi ... very primitive layout ... KOA should be ashamed. BUT, it did the job and early this morning we hit the bricks.To our delight, the power problem did not reappear ... the weather was good ... the trip around Atlanta was the usual nightmare ... and, alas,  Anderson KOA in South Carolina was a breath of fresh air. If you get the chance to stay there, you will never feel more welcome.

So here we are, having cold one ... cooking up some shrimp and angel hair ... doing a little washing ... looking forward to an easy two to three hour drive to Charlotte tomorrow ... life is good!

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