Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Journey - Northern Virginia

Back again ... Since our visit to NASM last Wednesday, we have been busy with a bunch of stuff ... mostly driving to and from the Jackson's house while spending the afternoon and dinner with them. The last three days were spent dealing with a credit card compromise wherein someone ran up about $9000 on our card in a couple of days which required us to cancel the card, get a new one and notify (dang) all of the folks who directly tap into our account on a monthly basis. The folks at the fraud shop at VISA have been incredible and have worked with us to determine what is valid and what is not --- I know, that's their job!

Our son-in-law, Kevin, installed a 26 inch flat screen TV in the bedroom of the RV ... what a difference! We are camped in a very wooded area .... no satellite .... over the air TV is kind of iffy it seems.

Wednesday, Donna linked up with a former teacher friend, Kathi Williams, who taught with her at Cherry Run Elementary School here in Fairfax County some years back; they had a five hour lunch!

Our visit here is winding down ... yesterday I called a couple of old friends .... one is moving to Colorado since her husband had passed away earlier this year; the other couple are in poor health.

We leave for Ohio on Monday.

More latter .....

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