Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Journey - Northern Virginia

We drove through rain showers from Virginia Beach to Bull Run Regional Park Campground in Centreville and after setup joined our daughter, Deb, her husband, Kevin, our grandson, Danny and members of Kevin's family who came in from Canada and New York to celebrate Danny's graduation from high school the next day.

We gathered in the parking lot at the Patriot Center (George Mason University) for a tailgate breakfast of coffee and bagels.. Here are a couple of pics:

                                               Danny with his Uncle Robin and Aunt Camille

                                                               With Cousin Marlena

                                                                   Getting ready!

                                                 With Grandparents Ethel, Donna and Gene

                                                  The Jackson boys - Eric, D, and Robin

                                                                 The Proud Parents!

                                                                       The Jackson Clan

The Patriot Center provided an intimate setting for the several thousand attendees and the ceremony was very nice ... the motivational speaker did his thing which was funny, inspirational and, for the graduates, forgettable ... Dan was a National Honor Graduate, Centreville Scholar Candidate, FCPS Advanced Placement Studies Diploma Candidate and and Early College Scholar. He is headed for James Madison University to major in mathmatics. It goes without saying, we are very proud of him and his accomplishments. Here he is:

After the dust settled we celebrated at Deb and Kevin's home with the rest of the family.

On Wednesday, Kevin, Eric and Gene hit the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles International Airport. Here are some pics of the shuttle that was one of those "stolen" from Houston:

More later ...

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