Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 7 - Nashville

We rose early, like 7ish, and fixed a nice breakfast (sausage, eggs and toast w/fruit) and hit the road. We picked up the Natchez Trace at Jackson ... nice road ... two lanes ... 50 mph limit ... no shoulders ... lots of scenery ... a few wildlife (one live racoon, lots of road kill and crows, and a large dead snake that we ran over. We decided to by-pass Shiloh; I think we were "battlefielded out". How many monuments can you see and read!

Anyway, here we are in Nashville! Got here after 6pm; but switching off with Trip every two hours made the drive very easy. Checked into the Yogi Bear Jellystone RV Park ... nice ... WiFi ... cable ... pull throughs ... close to the action. We had a nice pork chop dinner w/salad here in the rig. The perfect end to a perfect day! As I type this, we are enjoying coffee with homemade oatmeal macadamia nut/cranberry cookies (thanks to Donna!)

The plan is to stay here two nights then head for Hot Springs.

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