Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 3 - New Orleans

After all of the fooood from yesterday, we dried out this morning with sausage and eggs in the RV before heading out to the National World War II Museum. It was absolutely wonderful! If you come to NO, don't miss it. We viewed the big screen movie as a prelude to the museum itself - called "Beyond All Boundries" and narrated by Tom Hanks ... it is a must see film! Before hitting the museum itself we stopped at the Cochon Butcher for lunch --- yes, we are pigging out again. This time it was on a tasty North Carolina pulled pork sandwich with very spicy potato salad. Tonight we plan to hit the Acme Oyster House for -- you guessed it -- oysters! It sounds like we are doing a lot of eating; but, we ARE doing a lot of other stuff in between, like naps, reading, walking, resting, looking at stuff, etc.

As an aside, at breakfast yesterday, when I asked for some pancake syrup for my grits, the affable, older, black server loudly announced "Have Mercy!" Apparently, the folks in New Orleans DON'T eat their grits that way. She would have fainted if she saw me put butter, salt and lots of pepper on them!

Well, we are getting ready to move in the morning ... next stop is the RV park at the Ameristar Casino in Vicksburg. Hopefully, we may win enough at the casino to cover our trip ... or not!

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