Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 4 - Vicksburg

Dawn broke on a very beautiful morning and after a light breakfast we left the comforts of the French Quarter RV Resort. An easy ride to I-10 and I-55 got us to Jackson, Mississippi followed by a right turn on I-20 to Vicksburg just 45 miles to the west.

The first order of business after checking into the Ameristar RV Park was to find a dentist, yes, a dentist and this is at two o'clock on a Friday afternoon. Luckily, the park receptionist led me to her doctor, Paul Ballard (Ballard Dental Group) who saw me at three. They had the necessary dental tech in-house to repair my broken "flipper" ( a temporary retainer type device which is the precursor to a crown over a healing implant). I had been in contact with an old friend of Sewart AFB, TN times .... Donna and I had been exchanging Christmas cards with her over the fifty-five years; but, had not seen one another for a whole host of reasons. Jan met me as I walked out of the dental cubicle and into the reception area. She had apparently told the story to the receptionist and the whole staff had gathered to get our reaction. After a very long hug, we chatted and made plans for dinnner tomorrow evening. She, like me, had not changed a bit!

I arrived at the rig and found Trip off on a run. He returned, took a quick dip in the pool and we drove downtown to look it over and prepare for our Saturday adventures. Of course, the devil made us stop at the Cracker Barrel to replenish our vitals.

Ameristar RV Park is adjacent to the Ameristar Casino --- how convenient! Nice park with 65 TV channels, pool, WiFi, nice level pull throughs and a reasonable fee.

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