Monday, December 24, 2012


     Well, we did't do the RV thing. Saturday morning we discovered the whole heat/A/C system didn't work nor did the Aqua Heat (internal diesal boiler that provides hot water for heating and utility). So, we decided to drive the car and freeload with our granddaughter and her family. The traffic was not too bad from Houston ... the 75 mph speed limit helps keep things moving ... some folks were REALLY moving. Lots of law enforcement action! The weather was good; cloudy, but that makes it easy on the eyes.

     When we arrived the Houston Texans were in a world of hurt at the hands of the Vikings and they never did recover.  For some unknown and incomprehensible reason, the San Antonio TV carried the Cowgirl game. What kind of a town IS this? 

     Last night our grandson-in-law (is this a REAL title?), Keith, bar-b-qued some really yummy chicken breasts that complemented the dirty rice (Cajun) and steamed broccalli that was dinner. Very, very nice!

     Tonight we plan to go to church and then spend the evening waiting for Santa.

     More to follow ....

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