Saturday, December 22, 2012


     The RV finally got out of the shop; however, we will have to return it for some additional attention. Those items aren't going to prevent us  from spending the week in San Antonio with Jean and Jim and their two dogs and Courtney and Keith and Maddie (new great granddaughter whose real name is Madelyn Jean Germany) and their dog, Boco. Should be fun with the four miniature doxies and the rest of us. Jean and Court even have the menu for the week sorted out!

     We are spending the day loading up and getting everything ready to go tomorrow bright and early. Hopefully we will get to the Fort Sam Famcamp, a really nice campground on the base, in time to watch the Houston Texans beat the tar out of the Vikings.

     Took this picture this morning .... we are all ready for Christmas:

     More later ....

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