Friday, December 28, 2012

Back home again

We came home on thursday ......but what a grand time we had!

Christmas morning we woke up to this:

and then Courtney and Maddie came down the stairs all bright eyed and bushy tailed ...

Of course, after the gift distribution and the opening and admiring and, of course, a great breakfast of sausage and egg dish plus a bunch of other stuff we had to rest:

Note there are 5 dogs here ... 4 doxies and an "old dog"

Keith cooked his famous steak dinner with baked potatoes and all of the fixin's ... simply deeeelicious! Wednesday night he repeated it with grilled pork chops! Here are few pics we took during the visit:

All in all we had a great trip! We were glad the RV part didn't work out in that we were able to spend more time with the family.

Talk to you later ...

Monday, December 24, 2012


     Well, we did't do the RV thing. Saturday morning we discovered the whole heat/A/C system didn't work nor did the Aqua Heat (internal diesal boiler that provides hot water for heating and utility). So, we decided to drive the car and freeload with our granddaughter and her family. The traffic was not too bad from Houston ... the 75 mph speed limit helps keep things moving ... some folks were REALLY moving. Lots of law enforcement action! The weather was good; cloudy, but that makes it easy on the eyes.

     When we arrived the Houston Texans were in a world of hurt at the hands of the Vikings and they never did recover.  For some unknown and incomprehensible reason, the San Antonio TV carried the Cowgirl game. What kind of a town IS this? 

     Last night our grandson-in-law (is this a REAL title?), Keith, bar-b-qued some really yummy chicken breasts that complemented the dirty rice (Cajun) and steamed broccalli that was dinner. Very, very nice!

     Tonight we plan to go to church and then spend the evening waiting for Santa.

     More to follow ....

Saturday, December 22, 2012


     The RV finally got out of the shop; however, we will have to return it for some additional attention. Those items aren't going to prevent us  from spending the week in San Antonio with Jean and Jim and their two dogs and Courtney and Keith and Maddie (new great granddaughter whose real name is Madelyn Jean Germany) and their dog, Boco. Should be fun with the four miniature doxies and the rest of us. Jean and Court even have the menu for the week sorted out!

     We are spending the day loading up and getting everything ready to go tomorrow bright and early. Hopefully we will get to the Fort Sam Famcamp, a really nice campground on the base, in time to watch the Houston Texans beat the tar out of the Vikings.

     Took this picture this morning .... we are all ready for Christmas:

     More later ....