Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Journey - Ohio

It is sweltering today ... almost 100 degrees ... parked in the open, the A/Cs are working hard to keep it comfortable ... we even had to break out a fan!

Yesterday we joined our nephew Scott Donaldson and his family at Leota's place in Sebring --  96 degrees out! -- His wife Tracy, sons David, Cody and Cole plus David's special squeeze, Jenn, who is starting Vet's school at Ohio State next month. David, a professional golf course groundskeeper, got a job in Columbus where they will share a townhouse while she is in school. We all enjoyed a feast of chicken, pizza, several salads plus melon for dessert. Here are several pics:

Cody, the aspiring photographer, a high school junior

                                                               Watermelon? Too late!

                                                        Scott, Cole and David

                                                          Tracy, Leota and Jenn

Tonight we plan to join an old college chum, Donna Jean Ermlick, for dinner.

More later .....

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