Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Summer Journey - Ohio on the Fourth

You know you are in the mid-west when it is the 4th of July ... flags flying ... bands playing ... guns firing ... parades on the march ... Here at Cutty's it is a BIG DEAL! The Marlboro Police led the parade through the campground, followed by the colors, Army trucks ... then old cars ... a "Tiger Cage" full of kids ... decorated golf carts ... and decorated bicycles. Here are some pics:

                                                                   Army trucks

                                                           Pat, Leota and Donna

                                                                  Neat car!

                                                                 Decorated carts!

                                                              Cars in Parade

                                                                           Tiger Cage

There were all kinds of things going on ... mostly for the kids ... face painting ... hat making ...

Tonight we plan to grill some steak with baked potatoes, corn and salad ... a perfect ending for a 95 degree day.

More to come ....

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