Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in San Antonio

We decided to spend Thanksgiving in San Antonio with our granddaughter, Courtney, and her husband, Keith, who was on standby for his job and couldn't leave town. Our daughter, Jean, and her significant other, Jim, and their two doxies piled into our RV on Wednesday and we, including our two dogs, headed out.

Wednesday proved to be a beautiful day and traffic was surprisingly light all of the way to the Famcamp at Fort Sam Houston. After setting up, we motored up to the Germany's apartment for a yummy supper ... she had prepared a delicious deer meat/beef cassarole with asparagus. We brought one of Marie Calandar's famous Banana Cream Pies for dessert.

On Thanksgiving we enjoyed some deep fried turkey -- cajon style -- with all of the trimmings, laid around and watched some TV and generally caught up on stuff. We did a drive-by on the Germany's new house... very, very nice. They settle in December and move in in February.

Friday found me at the BX and got a great buy on an I-Pad 2 ... has the camera ... Donna's Christmas present (couldn't wait). Jean, Courtney, Keith and I went to see the J Edgar Hoover movie ... really good! Should win some awards .... the aging process on the actors was unbelievable.

On Saturday Donna and I hung out at the RV while Jean and Courtney went shopping. We joined them later for take-out from Jason's Deli.

Sunday was a travel day back home ... a cold front had gone through on Saturday and the temps plummeted, plummeted I tell you, to the 50's! Again, we were pleasantly surprised by the lack of traffic on the highways.

All in all, it was a fun trip with no scary moments.

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