Sunday, November 20, 2011

Leaving South Forty in Giddings

We leave the rally this Sunday morning right after Caring and Sharing at 0830. Have had a great time here with 14 rigs ... on Thursday evening folks settled in for a session of Joker (board with dice game) after a hot dogs with all of the trimmings. Friday morning DJ and I with two friends drove down to La Grange which is about 20 miles south of us. Another neat old town (1836) and hit Weikel's bakery --- to die for kolache's, cinnimon rolls and home made bread. We heard it was written up in Southern Living this month. That night we caravaned 20 miles to Winchester for a meal in an old Post Office turned restaurant that specialized in steak; more games to follow. After our business meeting on Saturday we headed back to the RV to catch up on college football and possibly nap a bit. That night found us at the dinner table again ... our hosts had deep fried cornish game hens and made a terrific dressing for our Thanksgiving feast .... the rest of the folks brought side dishes and desserts. I picked up a bear pillow in the gift exchange; but, sadly someone took it from me. Someone took my next selection (popcorn and Sinatra Christmas CD) and I ended up with a container of assorted candy. We wrapped up the night watching Baylor put the wood to Oklahoma.

Looks like we will be stopping at Camping World on the way home ... we lost a vent cover on the roof somewhere on the trip up here.

We are looking forward to our next trip ... leaving next Wednesday for San Antonio with Jean, Jim, Hansie and Maisie to spend Thanksgiving with Keith and Courtney. We will stay at the famcamp on Fort Sam Houston while Jean et al will stay with the Germanys.

More later!

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