Sunday, May 20, 2012

South Padre Island

Woke up to another lovely day in South Texas! Yesterday was a shopping day ... went to the outlets at Mercedes. Enroute we stopped at a huge Shell Store (they sell shells and all kinds of crafty things) outside San Benito and bought a bunch of shells (of course), wall hanging thingees, and other decorative items to spruce up the condo.


Then we stopped at Julia's in SB for lunch .... had a huge Tex-Mex combo plate (taco, chalupa, frajita, and tamale w/refried beans and Spanish rice) ... that was the meal for the whole day! We waddled back to the car and headed for Mercedes. Most of our buys were for replacement items for the kitchen ... folks either misplace, break or steal all kind of kitchen things, it seems. On the way home we bought a new 26" TV for the second bedroom which had died ... plus the batteries in the remote were missing and it was broken. We seem to lose batteries from most of the remotes over time; maybe tenants need them more in their stuff!


Today we plan to go to Brownsville and look for a couple of new rugs, lamp shades and blind for the kitchen. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

More to come....

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