Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Backyard on Easter Day

We're Pregers!

The Happy Crowd

The Beautiful Table

We had a wonderful day ... after all, Easter is a wonderful ... wondrous ... day. Our daughter, Jean and hubby Jim hosted an all day soiree beginning with a breakfast of all of the makins for breakfast tacos .... very yummy! Their daughter, Courtney and her husband, Keith, came over from San Antonio for the weekend and stayed with them. Excitedly, they are expecting their first child in a few months ... much boy/girl speculation ... should know on the 13th of this month. We all went to church and regrouped at their home to celebrate with a scrumptious ham dinner and all of the trimmings. Their son, Trip, and his special squeeze, Casey, plus Courtney's college chum, Catherine and her fiance, Ryan, joined us.

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