Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back Home

Great grandson Nathan

Jan, Bill and Gene in Charlotte

Great grand daughter, Kayla

The Carlsons

The cake

Obviously, Gene and Donna

Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Arlington Cemetery

I didn't do anything on this blog after leaving Ohio; but, so much has happened. I failed to address the Donaldson Reunion on July 31st .... there was so much catching up to do, there just wasn't enough time. There were about 60 folks there .... so much good food! Kudos to Jennifer and Larry Baylor for pulling it all together.

The trip to Northern Virginia was the usual winding, white knuckle journey called the Pennsylvania Turnpike ... about 40 big ones ($$$) from Ohio to Breezewood. We arrived at Bull Run Regional Park in Manassas, Virginia just before a big storm. While there we were able to visit some old friends -- Dewey and Alice Carlson -- who lived across the street from us on Reynard Drive in West Springfield. Hard to believe it was almost 40 years! They were well ... enjoying retirement ... doing lots of traveling. Also caught up with an old neighborhood friend, Jackie Lauria, who sadly lost her spouse a few years back.

The highlight of our visit was the Laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on August 5th. Such an honor! The whole family was there down to two great-grandkids. We had such a great time the entire weekend. Deb had pulled the whole thing together and we had such a wonderful weekend.

Our next stop was in Virginia Beach to visit John and his family ... stayed at the Oceana NAS famcamp ... very nice ... the sweet sound of shrill jet engines most of the time. For you retired military types, don't pass this one up. We had a annual crab feast thanks to the Pongo Fish House... a bushel of those yummy blue crabs were hungrily devoured by the Taylor clan. Add baked potatoes and fresh sweet corn and life can't get much better. By the way, when in VB, be certain to visit their aquarium ... it's a keeper!

August 15th found us in Gene's sister's driveway in Charlotte. Funny thing happened --- the hood latch jammed on the Saturn tow car. You have to pull the ignition fuse (precluded engine start) under the hood when towing, sooooooo what do you do when you can't get the hood up? You call Good Sam and have your car towed to a dealer that can replace the hood latch mechanism and cable. After a nice visit, we headed for home via stops at Birmingham and Shreveport. Our car battery died upon arrival and was subsequently replaced.

It was a wonderful 3500 mile trip despite the few glitches.

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