Tuesday, March 20, 2012

KLS-S Rally - Columbus, TX

We are back home again ... the rally in Columbus was really great with twelve rigs in attendance. Thursday night we cooked our favorite meat on the grill and shared whatever each couple brought to the meal -- no one goes hungry at a rally! On Friday we enjoyed a green eggs and ham breakfast prepared by our gracious hosts, spent the rest of the day on our own then got together for a social hour that afternoon. Several former members who are not RVing any longer but live within easy driving distance, stopped by to socialize and join us for dinner that night at Nancy's Seafood Grill. It was great to see Frank Parma, Chick and Arlene Richardson and Glenn and Murial Ostberg. We all missed Laura Parma who now resides in an Alzhiemer's facility. Gene picked up some kind of stomach thingy so he slept a lot during the weekend; but, it gave him an excuse to watch wall-to-wall basketball. Saturday night our hosts outdid themselves with corned beef and cabbage to go with all of the green salads and desserts brought by the rest of us. The meal was topped by a "Last Man Standing" contest about St Patrick's Day facts. Lots of misconceptions about the guy, I can tell you! After Caring and Sharing on Sunday morning we headed for home.

Next month we head for Port Aransas on the Gulf and it is the weekend of the Texas Sand Fest where folks come from all over the world to build fabulous sandscapes. We will take some pics and I have till then to figure out how to get them in this blog.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

KLS-S Rally - Columbus, TX

This is our first rally since Maxie passed and our first one in 2012 ... not certain how Beckett will react. He has been so attentive since she went to live in doggie heaven ... you sometimes think he is picking up the slack of her absence; but, that's probably in my imagination. We leave in the morning!

Columbus is only about an hour and a half west of Houston, off the I-10 interstate. It is not a large town ... the campground, Columbus RV Park, is close in and, according to their web site, has a rustic, but urban setting. The theme is Saint Patrick's Day, which has always proven to be a fun time. Some of our former members, who have since stopped RV'ing, plan to attend and join us for dinner on Friday night. It will be great to renew those old friendships.

More when we get there!